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Should you upgrade your iPhone or repair? - Northampton Apple Repair
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After recent damage to your iPhone, you are probably wondering what the wise thing to do is. Will you upgrade to a new one or will you consider repairing it? Well, the decision you make depends on a number of considerations. Damage does not always need a repair; sometimes it is best if you upgrade altogether to a new model of iPhone. You should, therefore, consider the following factors to help you make the decision.

– Consider the extent of damage
The extent of damage caused to your phone will determine the cost of repairing it. Sometimes it is just a minor damage that may not cost much. In such a case, the wise thing to do is to repair it. However, if the extent of the damage is huge, it may cost too much money to repair. Coupled with fact that you may have had your phone for a long time, it could be necessary to upgrade to a new one. So, it is vital to compare the costs of repair and upgrade.

– Ability of your phone to meet your needs
When you bought your current iPhone, you had your reasons for going for this specific one. However, needs change and you have probably ‘outgrown’ your current phone? You may be in need of more storage, better performance or you simply can afford a better one. When you reach this point, you may have a bias for upgrading rather than repairing the current iPhone that you own. As much as iPhone offers upgrades for their customers, you may be interested in an entirely new and better phone. You may then go for an upgrade to suit you.

– Your finances may determine your course of action
If you are simply in a position to upgrade a phone since you can afford it, then you should best go for the upgrade. But if the cost of upgrading is too high and the problems you’re facing with your current phone are not so serious, repairing it is the suitable action you may need to take.

– Consider if the upgrade comes with improvements or not
Whether you consider if you are going to upgrade to a new iPhone version, you must choose a viable and sensible course of action. If your damaged phone is no different than the supposed upgrade, it would be wise to repair the current one. If the upgrade comes with new exciting features, you may consider the upgrade.

– Sometimes repaired (or refurbished) phone is the smart choice
If your current iPhone has not outlived Apple’s warranty, ensure that you are not losing your repair rights. Majority of people think that when refurbished, the phone becomes “bad.” This not entirely correct. At times, it is actually wise to go for repair rather than an upgrade since you get a better deal and full warranties. You may even have other forms of protection.

When you consider these factors and the pace at which technology advances, you will make an informed decision on whether to upgrade or go for iPhone repair. Each of the above factors is important and should influence your decision. The main influencers, therefore, are financial implications and personal preferences. Either way, contact us and we can give you all the information you need.